Although Western audiences might not recognize the title, Japan’s Sazae-san anime is holds the title of the longest-running cartoon, having been on air since 1969. Like...
Hannibal is a series that ran on NBC from 2013 until 2015. It’s loosely based on the wildly popular film “The Silence Of The Lambs”, which, in...
When streaming platform Quibi launched in April, it found itself pitted against plenty of competition such as Netflix, Amazon, Disney and YouTube. Yet the network’s biggest...
Hart of Dixie is a television series for drama aired on The CW. It was created by Leila Gerstein and stars Rachel Bilson, who plays a...
The National Treasure adventure movie with Nicolas Cage in the main role will be getting a series, after earlier reports revealed that a sequel of the...
Anime may have been popular in the West for some time, but streaming platforms are only now beginning to catch up to demand by introducing the...
The Fosters is about the family of Stef Foster and Lena Adams, of adopted, biological, and foster kids and the struggles they go through to raise them....
In the automotive world, Volvo is known for vehicles that pay special attention to robustness and customer safety without making sacrifices in terms of design. Now,...
Volkswagen appears to be one of the few car manufacturers whose production and launch dates haven’t been affected by the pandemic. The company announced that it...
Various TV shows currently on air have dealt with pandemic-related disruptions in different ways. While some opted to place production on a complete halt until operations...
13 Reasons Why is full of many twists and turns that it’s nearly guaranteed you’ll definitely get hooked after the first episode. The series is based on...
There appears to be no rest for Nicolas Cage, as the actor with an infamously long list of movies has just signed up for yet another...
If you’re a TV comedy lover you probably know the show Brooklyn 99. It follows the daily life of some NYPD detectives who work in a Brooklyn...
Aside from its unique design, General Motors’ Hummer is perhaps best known for the wholesome cancellation of the SUV line, a decision made back in 2010....
Whereas most car manufacturers leave sales of their used cars to third parties, Porsche has a far more direct approach. October saw the company test out...