Today we got word that Mozilla and Epic Games have been working together very closely again, and this time it is to bring Epic’s Unreal Engine 4...
So, Nvidia is launching a new series of notebook GPUs today by the name of the GeForce 800M series, which includes the full lineup of GPUs ranging from...
Ookla, the maker of the very well known application has released a new update to their Global Net Index which basically ranks certain countries, states, and cities...
Over the past few years as online videos have become more and more frequently watched and with higher quality, users have begun to notice that their...
So, 3 months ago, it was discovered via rumors that Intel was shopping around their Media Group division which was supposed to revolutionize the way that we interface...
Many people have been wondering, where is the promised AMD Mantle patch for EA and DICE’s Battlefield 4? Well, considering that we were told that it...
As everyone knows by now, cryptocurrencies are the latest craze in the computing community. You’ve got people mining BitCoins on industrial scales using ASIC miners and...
When it comes to Thermaltake’s Luxa2 brand of accessories, the standard is set pretty high for me purely because of my prior experiences with their accessories....
The Guardian newspaper today released more Edward Snowden documents pertaining to the spying practices of the NSA. Today’s developments were especially comical and ridiculous (albeit still heinous) because...
As we talked among the various people that we know across the industry we stumbled upon some people that gave us some preliminary details about DisplayPort...
Dozens of users on Sony’s PlayStation Network Forums are reporting multiple charges to their credit cards which they themselves didn’t authorize. Most people are reporting 2-3 transactions of...
OCZ Technology [NASADQ:OCZ], the troubled SSD and PSU manufacturer has since filing Chapter 11, announced that they will be selling their remaining assets to Toshiba for $35 million....
It comes as very little surprise to us here at BSN* that Intel has officially opened up the company’s fabs to whomever wishes to make their...
We recently had a chat with Godfrey Cheng and Niamh Conlon of Synaptics and they talked to us about where Synaptics is going with their latest...
Since the announcement of the OpenCL 2.0 standard, a lot of people have been buzzing around excitedly talking about how significant this update is. So much so...