EVGA did all the best they could with X58 Classified series, but that EPoX engineering team in synergy with Peter “Shamino” Tan and Vince K|ngp|n Lucido isn’t stopping anytime soon.
Last night, we received a link with blurred Twitter image link containing a picture of EVGA’s Classified motherboard with presumably two GTX295 Co-Op Edition boards with LN2 pots on them. But this is just our assumption; it could be something entirely different.
EVGA’s “Top Secret” Twitter Picture…
BTW, if you look left of the American flag, you’ll see ASUS stickers, something that will make heart warm to all those ASUS engineers in Taiwan and Fremont, but you know – guys, it’s the EVGA motherboard that is on the top. This is just because it is Vince’s bench and he loves to put stickers on it as there is no shortage of other manufacturers as well.
What are Vince K|ngp|n Lucido and EVGA are cooking…? we’ll just have to wait until it trickles out. Could it be an LN2 pot for the graphics cards? We’ll see.
Original Author: Theo Valich
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