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Epic Games Shows Off Unreal Engine 3 in Flash and Kepler




As many of you may have heard, Epic Games was supposedly going to show off their newest Unreal Engine 4. Unfortunately for us, they were only showing it off to game developers rather than attending press. This is somewhat as part of a celebration of 20 years of being in existence, but we are looking forward to seeing the actual finished engine this year.

Epic Games’ Mark Rein, though, did not disappoint because he did deliver a fairly encompassing presentation regarding the history of the Unreal Engine as well as its current and future implementations. Mark talked about the fact that Epic was making their Unreal Development Kit a standard in the industry and had extremely reasonable licensing terms to help facilitate developers.

He also talked more about the Unreal Engine being used inside of Adobe Flash Player (in browser as well). This was simply an update to what had been shown back in October, giving us a little bit more detail regarding its release. Currently, in order to test out Unreal Engine in Flash, you must be running Flash 11.2 and currently works in IE and is planned to work in all browsers across all platforms. One must take into account, though, that the OS must support GPU accelerated Flash in order to facilitate a playable framerate.

Mark Rein with NVIDIA Kepler in hand

Mr. Rein also talked about the Samaritan demo that they had shown last year and detailed the system specifications. That system ran an Intel Core i7 2600K, 16GB of RAM and three GTX 580s in Triple-SLI. Now, with Kepler, Epic Games has successfully demonstrated the Samaritan Demo using only one NVIDIA Kepler GPU. This, to us, indicates an extreme leap forward in gaming hardware technology and as Mark himself said, we didn’t expect hardware manufacturers to so quickly answer Epic’s challenge. Mark said that the Samaritan demo was essentially a call to hardware manufacturers to improve their performance and reduce costs using Unreal Engine 3 and the Samaritan demo as a baseline standard.

Watch the Samaritan Demo below if you haven’t seen it before…

Original Author: Anshel Sag

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