If you own Windows Vista and still don’t feel like upgrading to Windows 7, Microsoft released a way to get your hands on DirectX 11 asap.
The giant from Redmond released “Platform Update for Windows Server 2008 and the Platform Update for Windows Vista.” By downloading “Update for Windows Vista (KB971512),” you’re dowloading an update containing “The Windows Graphics, Imaging, and XPS Library contain the latest advancements in modern graphics technologies for gaming, multimedia, imaging and printing applications. It includes updates to DirectX, DirectCompute, and XPS Library. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.”
Naturally, you have to restart the computer – at least that was the case on our test system. The update does not specify that you are installing DirectX 11 API, but it is very easy to read through the lines – DirectCompute is available only inside DirectX 11 API, while post-install you will see dxdiag.exe detecting installed DirectX as version 11. If you’re developing DirectX 11 software, don’t forget to reinstall the August 2009 update of DirectX SDK, as it is required for normal operation.
Now, if only AMD demos would require DirectX 11 API instead of requiring the Windows 7 operating system, and DirectX 11 experience could be complete… then again, you can always install BattleForge or wait until December 1st, when DiRT 2 hits the PC platform.
Original Author: Theo Valich
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